It finally happened last night what I was afraid. We went with 2 friends to this gay-friendly bar but there weren’t many people there in general and as for gays the only ones were probably us 3, the music was nothing special and we said we should go somewhere else for the second drink. Then we discussed about the radio spot of this meat-market gay club that we‘ve all listened in the evening with the motto “the happiest club in the city” and a friend suggested that we can go there and the other one agreed. You understand how terrible was the situation that I was found. I’d like to go there too, but I shouldn’t. So, I told them that I can’t go there and explained the reasons why. My friend told me “ok you just go there for your friends, we’re here to protect you from ‘temptations’ anyway!”. But I told him that I don’t want to open such a going-to-gay-clubs-with-friends circle ‘cause it will be created a situation that I won’t like and he seemed to understand. At that point I made them clear that if they want to go to that club, they can go, it’s fine with me, but they both interrupted me and said no, no problem let’s go somewhere else altogether. I think that I put them to a difficult position anyway. So I proposed 3 other gay-friendly bars, they easily agreed and we went to one of them where I found an x-boyfriend of mine doing PR there. It’s been a long time since I hadn’t seen him, he was very enthusiastic, he brought us some shots and generally it was nice and cool night out with friends, though I would prefer it to be more clubby.
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