Having been shocked by the cruel videos of Saddam’s killing I can’t think of anything else than to wish something utopian like people not to be idiots, as the greek root of the word means: a person who doesn’t involve in common issues but only cares about his own. Less Violent, More Human and thus Happy New Year 2007!
PS. The following paragraph is taken from freeathens.blogspot.com
"Cheer up Christian Republicans: you killed another one, Happy New Year!!!

American Republicans should have felt guilty for the killing of Saddam if they had the privilege of feelings. But since they are unable to feel anything at all unlike other human beings, it’s worthless even to bring it to discussion. Although I’m against all this national proud stuff, it’s the first time that I really feel that I am proud to come from the country that invented democracy and I am quite satisfied that after 2.500 years the whole continent, Europe, has adopted many of the values of ancient Greece. One of them is that “democracy does not revenge”. But this applies to real democratic countries; those in which death penalty is legal are not considered democratic ones of course. That’s the difference between USA and Europe: hypocrisy - morality and values like the degree of importance of the human life. "
1 comment:
yeah it was terrifying can't even begin to analyse how terrifying it is. Execution should not be an option. MASKS!?!?
Hope this is the last horrifying thing for a while....hope negativity will eat itself up and explode into non-existance together with the year that just left us........
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