My boyfriend’s in town actually. I‘m gonna see him tonight. But my mind can’t focus on anything else than the guy that I met on New Year’s Eve and how great time we would have together if the situation was different and we could be together. Our relationship wouldn’t last long but I’m sure I would enjoy it. I’d live the enthusiasm, a feeling that feeds me and now I’ve forgotten how it feels like. My boyfriend is nice but we live a quiet family life ‘cause he’s such a type of guy. This kind of life is good but maybe 10 years later not yet in our age. I think I want to live my life with more energy, now that I still can.
passion is the thing now isn't it? i believe it is possible to have passions in a long relationship. it's not the easiest thing but it can happen if the element of surprise is always kept alive, i mean if people keep evolving in a way that fascinates each other. yeah it's tough....but it's a target though
As Joseph Campbell said, you should follow your bliss...
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