Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Sunday trip keeps the passion alive...

On Sunday we had a great time with my boyfriend. We went to a nearby place close to the seaside where we had lunch in a tavern and then went for a coffee, cinema next, to his house watching TV at night, taking a quick glance at the Sunday newspapers, drinking vermouth and then having sex, sleeping together until the next morning that I had to go to work leaving him with a goodmorning kiss…
Things were different tonight back in Athens that we went for a drink but we left early because he probably got many things about his work on his mind.
As a result, we should probably be making trips outside Athens more often…


Maximus Leo said...

That sounds like a Sunday that I long for!! instead I was recovering from an overdose of sake the night before.....Bloody hell - it was a struggle least to say!!

Anonymous said...

Hi AG, thanks for linking me but I had to make a quick exit - long sad story. Promise to let you know when I'm back. For the meanwhile I'll just read your archives and tease you a bit :P